The same goes for additional 3 rd-party advertised software. No viruses, Trojans or other types of malware are included in the setup package. The main installation process will be completed in a few settings and afterwards you can launch the program. You just have to run the installer and follow only a few series of steps without making any significant settings.

The installation procedure is a piece of cake to perform.

This software guarantees that not only your online sessions are deleted, but leftovers and unnecessary files from other applications are removed as well. If you wish to erase all footprints of the sites you've been, whom you chatted with, temporary files and other evidence then you should definitely take a look at east-tec Eraser 2014. Most users nowadays are aware that their internet activity is stored locally (and online as well, but that’s another story) and can be easily traced by someone with basic computer knowledge. " Protect your privacy, cover your tracks"